St George's is home to a diverse range of communities from our parish
As the parish church of Bloomsbury we provide a home for other other worshipping communities, as well as charitable organisations such as our homeless shelter and the St Giles and St Georges’ charities. We also welcome many local community groups including the London Chess Club, LGBT+ AA, West End Women’s Institute, South London Lettering Association and local orchestras and the Covent Garden Chorus.

Homeless Shelter in partnership with C4WS​
St George’s volunteers and the charity C4WS provide food and shelter in the church for homeless people during the cold winter months. Twelve churches in the borough of Camden take it in turns to accommodate up to sixteen homeless adults a night. This hospitality is organised and delivered by a network of volunteers, who come from the church congregation and from the wider community.
C4WS provides each guest with a caseworker and whilst staying at the shelter every guest can access employment, education, immigration and English language support, as well as be supported through housing applications into permanent accommodation.
At St George’s we host the guests on a Saturday night from January to April providing a hot evening meal, a clean bed, and breakfast the following morning.
If you would like to volunteer or donate please contact our Shelter Coordinator Pat.
Find out more about C4WS here.
Ukrainian Orthodox Church​
With the blessing of Metropolitan Onufriy of Kyiv and All Ukraine, on August 22, 2022, a community of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in London founded the Parish of The Holy Protection of the Theotokos here in London. The community was welcomed by St George’s to celebrate Orthodox services regularly from the church.

The community includes the Ukrainian diaspora: Orthodox Ukrainians living in Great Britain and forced immigrants who arrived after the invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation on February 24, 2022 as well as Orthodox people of different nationalities and origins.
On Sundays, on major holidays and other days, according to the schedule, it performs Divine Liturgies with communion, confession, Baptism and anointing, Weddings, Holy Unction and other services of the daily cycle and requirements.

We regularly collect donations for those in need in Ukraine due to the Russian invasion.

Sunday services
8:00 - Hours
8:20 - Divine Liturgy
Contact ​
You can contact Fr Dmytro by email here or by telephone at 07377728661. Find out more about the Ukrainian Orthodox Community in London by emailing here. You can also find them on Facebook and Telegram.

Korean Anglican Community​
The Korean Anglican Community meets on a Sunday at 2pm for a Service followed by a shared lunch.
For further information contact Revd Taemin Oh, Chaplain to the Korean Community in London.
St George and St Giles Charity since 1661
The two charities of St Giles-in-the-Fields and St George’s Bloomsbury, provide relief from hardship through alms and educational grants. We continue to be inspired by the philanthropic motivations of the charities’ historic founders and yet we have a modern approach to grant-making. We are small, local, independent funders who really know our area.
Alms Charity
The Alms charity is a combination of several very old Christian charities created to relieve poverty in the area around St Giles-in-the-Fields church. While the last couple of centuries have seen significant changes in this part of central London, our charity continues to help local residents who are facing hardship by way of:
Almshouse Accommodation
Grants for Individuals
Grants for Organisations
The area of benefit is the parishes of St Giles-in-the-Fields, St George’s, Bloomsbury and St Paul’s, Covent Garden. The parish boundaries do not match local authority boundaries, but the area includes most of Bloomsbury, and Holborn & Covent Garden wards in Camden, plus small parts of St James’s and West End wards in Westminster.
Education Charity
We are helping to improve the educational opportunities of local children and young people from birth to 25 years old in our area of benefit. We understand education in its broadest sense and support a wide range of activities that extend personal, social, moral, mental and emotional development as well as enhancing learning.
We offer grants to not-for-profit organisations (including schools and churches) to deliver activities that support our mission.
For detailed information see the St Giles and St George website.